Lean 5S Products

Navigating the vast aisles of a warehouse can feel like a maze. That’s where warehouse hanging signs come into play! These overhead guides are the unsung heroes of the organization, leading the way to a smoother, safer, and more efficient workspace. 

Whether you’re a seasoned warehouse veteran or new to the scene, understanding the ins and outs of these signs can transform your experience. Let’s dive into the world of warehouse hanging signs, where every sign is a stepping stone toward a well-ordered and productive environment.

What are warehouse hanging signs?

Warehouse hanging signs are essential visual cues within a warehouse, designed for easy interpretation and swiftly conveying key details. They combine text, symbols, and colors to relay their messages effectively.

These signs also play a crucial role in organizing and managing inventory, simplifying the process of handling goods.

Common types of warehouse signs include:

  • Exit signs point out the fastest way to the nearest exit.
  • Hazard signs caution about possible dangers such as combustible materials or areas with high voltage. For more insights, check our article on hazard signs.
  • Forklift traffic signs notifying employees of areas where forklifts are in operation.
  • Storage signs, marking specific zones for different kinds of merchandise.

What are the different types of warehouse hanging signs?

Here are a few popular warehouse hanging signs you should be aware of:

1: Exit Signs

Exit signs are crucial for safety and emergency preparedness in warehouses. They are prominently displayed to mark the quickest route to the nearest exit, ensuring that employees can evacuate quickly and safely in an emergency.


  • Enhances safety by providing clear evacuation routes.
  • Complies with safety regulations and standards.
  • Reduces confusion and panic during emergencies.

2: Hazard Signs

Hazard signs in a warehouse warn of potential dangers, such as flammable materials, high-voltage areas, or chemical hazards. They play a vital role in maintaining a safe working environment by alerting employees to risks.


  • Increases awareness of potential hazards, promoting a safer workplace.
  • Helps prevent accidents and injuries by cautioning workers about dangerous areas or materials.
  • Ensures compliance with health and safety regulations by clearly marking hazardous zones.

3: Forklift Traffic Signs

Forklift traffic signs are used to indicate zones where forklifts are actively operated. These signs help manage the movement of heavy machinery, ensuring the safety of both the operators and pedestrians within the warehouse.


  • Reduces the risk of accidents by alerting workers and visitors to forklift traffic areas.
  • Enhances operational efficiency by designating specific pathways for forklift operations.
  • Improves navigation within the warehouse, ensuring smoother transportation of goods.

4: Storage Area Signs

Storage area signs identify different sections within the warehouse designated for specific types of goods. They facilitate organization and efficient inventory management by clearly marking where items are stored.


  • Streamlines inventory management by making it easier to locate and access goods.
  • Enhances the efficiency of picking and packing processes.
  • Helps maintain a tidy and organized warehouse layout.

5: Informational Signs

Informational signs provide guidance, instructions, or general information to warehouse staff and visitors. These can include operational procedures, safety guidelines, or directions within the warehouse.


  • Improves communication within the warehouse, ensuring that important information is conveyed to all personnel.
  • Supports training and onboarding processes by offering clear instructions and information.
  • Enhances overall safety and efficiency by guiding actions and decisions within the warehouse environment.

6: Aisle and Bay Identification Signs

Aisle and bay identification signs help efficiently navigate the warehouse by labeling aisles and storage bays. This organization tool is essential for quick and accurate location of goods.


  • Facilitates faster and more accurate picking by clearly identifying storage locations.
  • Improves inventory management through precise organization.
  • Aids reduces errors and saves time during the retrieval and storage of goods.

What materials are used to make warehouse hanging signs?

Warehouse hanging signs are made from various materials, each chosen for durability, visibility, and suitability for the warehouse environment. 

Common materials include:

  • Metal: Aluminum is widely used for its lightweight, rust-resistant properties, making it ideal for long-term use in various environments, including outdoor areas exposed to weather.
  • Plastic: High-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are popular plastic choices due to their durability, resistance to chemicals, and ease of maintenance. These materials are versatile and can be used indoors and outdoors.
  • Vinyl: Often used for signs that require vibrant graphics or detailed instructions. Vinyl signs are flexible, affordable, and can be adhered to various surfaces, making them suitable for temporary or changing signage needs.
  • Acrylic: Known for its clarity and similarity to glass, acrylic is durable and resistant to impact. It’s often used for high-quality, visually appealing signs that need to withstand frequent handling or environmental stress.
  • Wood: Less common but used in warehouses aiming for a specific aesthetic or in less demanding environments. Wood signs can offer a natural look but require more maintenance and are less durable under harsh conditions.
  • Composite Materials: Such as aluminum composite panels, which consist of two thin aluminum sheets bonded to a non-aluminum core, combining the durability of metal with the lightweight properties of plastics. These are used for signs that require rigidity, durability, and resistance to weather.

What are the important factors to consider while making a warehouse hanging sign?

When creating a warehouse hanging sign, several key factors must be considered to ensure that the signs are effective, visible, and durable. 

Here are the essential aspects to consider:

  • Material: Choose durable materials that can withstand the warehouse environment, including variations in temperature, humidity, and exposure to chemicals or UV light. Common materials include aluminum, vinyl, and rigid plastic.
  • Visibility: The sign should be large enough to be easily seen from a distance. Consider the height at which the sign will be hung and the typical viewing distance in your warehouse layout.
  • Height: The sign’s placement height is crucial. It must be hung at a height visible above obstructions like shelving units or machinery, yet not so high that it becomes difficult to read.
  • Size: The size of the sign should be appropriate for the information it conveys and the distance from which it will be read. Larger signs are needed for more complex messages or longer viewing distances.
  • Location: Position signs at strategic points that can be most effective, such as at intersections within aisles, entry and exit points, and near-hazard areas.
  • Color Coding: Use color coding consistently to indicate different types of information (e.g., red for danger or emergency equipment, green for safety equipment, and yellow for caution). This helps in quick recognition and response.
  • Readability: Use clear, legible fonts and avoid cluttering the sign with too much information. The text should be concise and to the point.
  • Durability: Consider the working environment of the warehouse. The sign should be made of materials resistant to wear, tear, and environmental factors such as moisture or chemicals.
  • Compliance: Ensure that the signs meet relevant safety standards and regulations, including OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) requirements in the United States.
  • Illumination: For areas with low lighting, consider using reflective materials or illuminated signs to ensure they are always visible.
  • Language and Symbols: Use universally recognized symbols and consider the primary languages of your workforce to ensure the message is understood by all.


In conclusion, warehouse hanging signs are pivotal in ensuring safety, efficiency, and organization within a warehouse setting. By carefully considering material, visibility, height, and color coding, these signs can significantly improve navigation, prevent accidents, and streamline operations, making them indispensable tools in warehouse management.