Embarking on your Lean 5S journey? Our range of shadow boards allow you to create custom visual solutions which will transform your organization! Join us today.

Our Cleaning Stations can be made in customized sizes and located in many different areas of your process or plant. The key is that they are appropriately located and hold all the necessary cleaning equipment for your area or work station.

Embarking on your Lean 5S journey? Our range of Production Boards allow you to create custom visual solutions which will transform your organization! Join us today.
Remco/Vikan Color Coded Cleaning Tools

Embarking on your 5S “Lean” Journey? Our range of color coded cleaning tools allow you to create custom visual management solutions which will transform your workplace organization! Join us today.

As you are aware, PPE is equipment worn by a worker to minimize exposure to specific hazards. Examples of PPE include respirators, gloves, aprons, fall protection, and full body suits, as well as head, eye and foot protection. Using PPE is only one element in a complete hazard control program that would use a variety of strategies to maintain a safe and healthy environment. PPE does not reduce the hazard itself nor does it guarantee permanent or total protection.
So where do you store your PPE? Do you have a specific location? Can your system be improved upon?
Ask us about our fully customizable shadow boards. We’ll organize all your PPE supplies on an easy clean board which can include labelling, icons, branding, whatever design elements your company needs

Remco/Vikan Color Coded Cleaning Tools

Remco/Vikan Color Coded Cleaning Tools are general-purpose, value-oriented line of color-coded cleaning tools The Remco/Vikan Color Coded Cleaning Tools range provides users with a balance of cost, durability, and effectiveness that is well-suited for use in restaurants, hotels, commercial and government buildings, and light industrial facilities.